Documentation on uvcal
Task: uvcal
Purpose: Apply special processing options to uv-data.
Categories: uv analysis
UVCAL is a MIRIAD task which applies special processing options
to uv-data. By default, UVCAL applies the gains file before it
processes the uv-data into the output file.
Key: vis
The names of the input uv data sets. Multiple names can be given,
separated by commas. At least one name must be given.
Key: select
The normal uv selection commands. See the Users manual for details.
The default is to process all data. Note that window selection can
not be used with options=hanning, passband, contsub, or wide.
Key: options
This gives extra processing options. Several options can be given,
each separated by commas. They may be abbreivated to the minimum
needed to avoid ambiguity. Possible options are:
'nocal' Do not apply the gains file. By default, UVCAL
applies the gains file in copying the data.
'nopol' Do not apply the polarization leakage file.
'nopass' Do not apply bandpass corrections.
'nowide' Do not copy across wide-band channels.
'nochannel' Do not copy across spectral channels.
'contsub' Continuum subtraction using a linear fit to the real
and imaginary parts of each spectral window.
Exclude badchan and endchan specified below.
'conjugate' Conjugate visibilities
'hanning' Hanning smooth each spectral window.
'holo' Replace u,v with dra,ddec for holography.
'linecal' Remove phase slope across passband due to line length
changes. This option also corrects the phase difference
between the wide channels due to line length.
options=linecal,wide will re-make the wideband from
the channel data after the phase slope is removed.
option can gain in SNR for the wide channels might be
'passband' Fit passband to lsb and correct the uv-data.
Can be used when the source is strong. e.g. for
planets. The passband is estimated from the lsb,
smoothed within each spectral window, and applied
to the lsb data. The complex conjugate is applied
to the usb. This corrects for time variable IF
passband errors. The uv-data must contain both
'phasem' Replace last channel and wideband with predicted
line length phase.
'tpower' Replace last channel and wideband with predicted
phase from tpower difference between antennae pair.
'unflagged' Copy only those records where there are some
unflagged visibilites.
'uvrotate' Rotate uv-coordinates from current to standard epoch.
The standard epoch, ra, dec can be changed using PUTHD.
'wide' Make wideband from channel average for each sideband
of LO1. Weights by bandwidth and excludes flagged data.
Exclude badchan and endchan specified below.
NOTE: Options "phasem" and "tpower" cannot be used together.
Option "nochannel" cannot be used with "hanning", "passband"
and "contsub". For these 3 options no processing is performed on the
wideband data.
Key: badchan
Number of ranges of bad channels followed by list of up to 20 pairs
of numbers giving range of channels to exclude from fit in
options=contsub and options=wide. E.g. badchan=3,1,3,15,16,256,257
excludes the 3 ranges (1,3) (15,16) and (265,257)
Key: endchan
Number of channels to drop from the ends of each spectral
window in options=passband, and options=contsub. Default=4.
Key: avechan
Number of channels to average in options=passband. Default=1.
Key: sigma
Rms noise level used to flag data in options=contsub. All channels
are flagged if the rms noise level per channel is greater than sigma
after subtracting the continuum. Endchan and badchan are not included
in computing the rms. The default is sigma=0. which does not flag
any data.
Key: scale
Multiply the data and wideband by cmplx(scale1,scale2). Two values.
Default is no scaling. If only one value is given it is assumed to
be a real value. E.g. scale=0,1 multiplies the data by sqrt(-1)
Key: out
The name of the output uv data set. No default.
Generated by on 11 Jul 1996